Our Hunt Pricing

California Hunts

Blacktail Deer

$ 5,000–10,000

bison (Management)

$ 8,000

bison (Trophy)

$ 26,000

Tule Elk bull

$ 50,000

Tule Elk Cow

$ 12,000


1 day hunt

Minimum of 2 hunters

$ 500/day

Per person


1 day hunt

Minimum of 2 hunters

$ 500/day

Per person


1 day hunt

Minimum of 2 hunters

$ 500/day

Per person

Hawaii Hunts

Axis Deer Hunting - High Volume

  • 2 bucks & 10 does
  • Must shoot 1 buck and 10 does before shooting a 2nd buck



Axis Deer Hunting - Low Volume

  • 1 bucks & 2 does


Axis Deer Hunting - Additional Fees

Hog Hunting in Hawaii

Mexico Hunts

South Baja Bighorn Sheep

$ 65,000

Baja Blacktail Deer

$ 10,000